Wordpress + Elementor

Portfolio set up can happen with any number of platforms. One of the most advanced, yet simple platforms is Wordpress.

You can set up a basic Wordpress website within minutes, and by topping your Wordpress backend with Elementor, it provides you a very robust visual editor that sports drag-and-drop features with full, responsive customization.



Web Hosting

This can be found through many 3rd parties such as GoDaddy, BlueHost & more who offer server-based hosting packages to store the files for your website.

Pricing typically will range from 100-250$ annually, some with renewals that are 3+ years, and others that are only a 12 month contract. Do your research and understand your options.

Elementor Pro Plugin

This plugin can be purchased from the company directly for only $49 per year. You will need to renew this annually. Once purchased, you can follow their steps to upload the plugin into the backend of wordpress & activate it using a product key,

Add-On Plugins

You can find a robust collection of additional plugins that you can download or purchase, that expand the tools of Elementor Pro with more explorative & robust collections of blocks to fulfill all of your portfolio building needs (and more!).

Please Do Your Research

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Please Do Your Research 〰️ • ☺ • 〰️


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